Westside DIGS | Digital Edition Online

June 28, 2024

DIGS is the premiere luxury real estate lifestyle magazine serving the most affluent neighborhoods in the South Bay and Westside of Los Angeles, California.

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With stunningly handcrafted details, this 1.26-acre property on the Palos Verdes Peninsula is a labour of love, 25 years in the making. BEAUT Y ON THE BLUFFTOP INSIDE G O I N G U N D E R G R O U N D | T H E FA R M E R S O F S O U T H B AY FI N D YOU R PL ACE JUNE 28, 2024 DIGS.NET P R E S E N T E D B Y K E VI N M O EN O F RE /MA X ESTATE PRO PERTI ES F E A T U R E O N P A G E 5 0

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