Westside DIGS | Digital Edition Online

April 21, 2023

DIGS is the premiere luxury real estate lifestyle magazine serving the most affluent neighborhoods in the South Bay and Westside of Los Angeles, California.

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Page 27 of 31

P R O F I L E | YA B U P U S H E L B E R G hen given the opportunity, what do world-class designers create for them- selves? The answer for the founders of international design studio Yabu Pushelberg—George Yabu and Glenn Pushel- berg—is their East Hamptons home. Located in the fashionable hamlet of Amagansett, on Long Island, New York, the house sits poetically, if not in complete repose, on sand dunes and is of flawless good form: sinewy and sculptural, with clean lines, sharp corners and wood-slat glass walls that open the beach retreat to a watery, windswept panorama beyond. Holistically considered, the house is an unam- biguous reflection of contemporary design and, in personal terms, of the design duo responsible. "Our Amagansett home was designed to be our own version of an adult summer camp," Glenn Pushel- berg says of the project. "It is a place to play, reset and recharge. It sparks a lot of joy for us, to have a place where we can welcome people, new and old, into a slice of our life." Some of those people include the 120 employ- ees from the studio's New York City and Toronto, Canada offices who George and Glenn hosted over the course of nine weeks last summer. "We cooked," Glenn recalls. "Laughter and karaoke were constants. It was a time to let loose and remem- ber what life is about." George agrees: "Especially after the pandemic, we wanted to bring people back into our orbit and share experiences together. This also translated to Glenn whipping up his infamous breakfast recipes and pouring bottomless Monte- negro's." Which says everything about the driving creative force behind Yabu Pushelberg: They don't just design beautiful spaces, they craft immersive environments to inhabit, filling their own home with a sense of life and a great deal of love. A hallmark of a Yabu Pushelberg design, whether it is a residence, hotel, retail space or product is how chic and effortless that design presents. Amagan- sett house is no exception. But, though chic, it was far from easy. "We built the house from the ground up, which came with a tornado of constraints," says George, pointing to the sand dunes that act as a barrier between the house and the ocean and ulti- mately became "a blessing in disguise," helping W A R C H I T E C T U R E + D E S I G N 28 DIGS.NET | 4.21.23

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