Westside DIGS | Digital Edition Online

April 21, 2023

DIGS is the premiere luxury real estate lifestyle magazine serving the most affluent neighborhoods in the South Bay and Westside of Los Angeles, California.

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A R C H I T E C T U R E + D E S I G N G L A S S H O U S E N E W LY B U I LT. S A O P A O L O , 1 9 5 1 . P H O T O B Y P E T E R S C H E I E R . C O U R T E S Y O F I N S T I T U T O B A R D I . L I N A B O B A R D I , B O W L C H A I R , 1 9 5 0 . C O U R T E S Y O F I N S T I T U T O B A R D I P R O F I L E | L I N A B O B A R D I W had a singular mission—to help humans be more free flowing and natural in the world. The theme of connection, with oneself and others, was the principle driver for Bo Bardi. Like many of her generation, she had witnessed the tremendous upheaval and devastation of war, and sought, along with many other designers of her time, to re-create the world anew via the things and places that surrounded them. So she did, with her architecture and furniture, along with writing, scenic design, teaching, public activism and more. Born in Rome in 1914, Achilina di Enrico Bo, shortened to Lina Bo, came into the world hen Lina Bo Bardi debuted her Bowl chair in 1951 it was a sign of the times: steel; streamlined, and meant to hop-skip past tradition. The Bowl chair wasn't just a place to sit, Bo Bardi designed it to cradle the human body in all its moods and poses, not unlike being perched in the palm of a giant hand. The chair and its dynamic designer appeared on the November 1953 cover of the American magazine "Interiors + Industrial Design." The monthly Modernist publication, which featured the latest works of the post-WWII design set, showed images of Bo Bardi poised on her "cuddle bowl" as they called it; reclining languidly, and sitting up straight and proper. For Bo Bardi, the Bowl chair was yet another work in an ever-expanding portfolio that 12 DIGS.NET | 4.21.23

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